Medical marijuana

5 Critical Things You Need to Know About Medicating and Traveling

Medicating and Traveling Checklist 

With the weather getting warmer and the summer ramping up, planning your vacation and setting the itinerary is a high summertime priority. The burning question is about medicating and traveling, should you bring your medical marijuana with you on the trip?

While Oklahoma is one of a handful of states that have passed legislation legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana, there are many states that have not passed this important legislation. We are talking about crossing state lines with a federally controlled substance. It’s kind of a big deal, and it’s their rules wherever you are. Traveling abroad with medicine is even more challenging. Ignorance is not bliss. The more informed you are, the more you will be able to safely navigate medicating on your trip away from home. There are 5 things you need to know about medicating and traveling that will help keep your vacay, ok.

What are the national travel laws of medicating and traveling? 

Air travel

As we know, when it comes to air travel and airport security what the TSA says is law. And TSA law is based on federal law. Marijuana and many cannabis infused products remains illegal under federal law. While TSA documentation says they do not officially directly search for cannabis — as they are supposed to be focused on threats and passenger safety, the bottom line is, regardless of medical card or prescription, cannabis remains an illegal substance to carry into airports. Yes, that means edibles as well. If you choose to do so, you put yourself at risk. It is illegal and if discovered they will report you to local law enforcement — which is a hassle for any vacationer. 

Road tripping

What about hopping in the car and getting out on the open road? Nothing to worry about, right? Not so fast. There are still restrictions to medicating and traveling that you need to be aware of to make sure you don’t have a bad trip. First, there is a limit to how much you can carry on your person, depending on where you are. Traveling in Oklahoma, that limit is 3 oz.

You already know you need to have your MMJ card to medicate or carry cannabis, but national travel is a whole other thing. Your card matters ONLY IF the state you are traveling through adheres to medicinal or recreational consumption and considers it valid. If the state you are traveling to has strict cannabis laws, plan to keep your medication at home.

What are the international travel laws of medical marijuana? 

In conjunction with airport policies, countries have their own different laws regarding the possession of cannabis. These laws are also strictly enforced, and you don’t want to be in a situation in which you face jail time or worse due to possession. Best advice is not to travel with medication internationally whenever you can avoid it.

What is the best way to travel with cannabis?

Traveling by car is the optimal way to go, as you won’t have to worry about TSA policies or if your airline restricts the use of cannabis. That said, you need to pay attention, because cannabis law, even medicinal use of cannabis is a hot topic, and legislation is very much in flux. It is vital that you consider state cannabis laws on medicating and traveling, especially if you are driving a car that is not yours.

How you carry your cannabis is another thing as well. You also may be restricted based on the method of transportation and the policy of those services. Ultimately, being aware of your legal protection is on you, and in 2022, it is still very much a state by state issue. Even for the Oklahoma tourist staycation, it’s important that you keep your medical marijuana products in their original packaging.

Should I medicate while traveling? 

When it comes to public transportation, that’s a hard pass. While some buses or transportation services may not have a clear policy on cannabis, the general rule of thumb is to strongly recommend against it. If you do deem that it is appropriate, you need to not only have your Medical Marijuana Card, you should always have a backup printed copy. You just never know, and the consequences are not worth it.

Also — and we know it might seem like a lot — you should have a copy of the recommendation letter or your doctor’s note. You should also have your doctor’s contact and other important physician contacts. Proving the medicinal need and validity of use can sometimes save a lot of trouble.

Medicating and Traveling Checklist 

  1. Know the law of the land — where you are going and going through
  2. TSA? Airport security? Don’t do it.
  3. Always carry your Medical Marijuana Card with an extra printed copy
  4. Keep all medication in its packaging 
  5. Keep your doctor close: You should have your Dr.’s recommendation note and their contact info readily available

Regarding other travel plans: please, let’s keep the roads safe. Never medicate while driving and always obey traffic laws. Do not medicate on trains, boats, or airplanes. Traveling with medication internationally is not recommended.

In short, it is best to avoid traveling with cannabis on your person. Pay close attention to the laws of each state and make sure you have your identification on you at all times, including your medical marijuana card. 

If you’re still unsure of the laws for the state you’re traveling to, view State Medical Cannabis Laws

travel with cannabis

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