Can You Donate Blood if You Smoke Weed?

Can You Donate Blood and Use Cannabis? There are many reasons why people decide to donate blood, and its impact is immeasurable to helping others and potentially saving lives. People with severe injuries, transplant patients, and those battling cancer are in need of blood every day. If you have been considering becoming a donor, it’s […]
6 Best Edibles for Pain Relief After Surgery

A list of our favorite edibles for pain management that may help you have easier post-op recovery.
Importance of Lab-Tested Cannabis

Why Lab-Tested Cannabis? We’ve come a long way from when cannabis was legalized in Oklahoma to now. Gone are the days of questionable cannabis products, and with new laws, OMMA, and METRC, a new age of cannabis is available to patients. But do we know what’s in our flower? Not only is it the law, […]